Let’s talk about the history of food


Step into our tasty time machine as we travel back through the ages to explore the fascinating history of food.


From the earliest days of hunting and gathering to the global flavors of today, we’ll uncover how food has shaped our world.

Feast on the Flavors of History

Get ready to dish out the past on a plate as we serve up a delicious look at the history of food. From the weird to the wonderful, we uncover the tales behind the tastes, revealing the flavorful stories that have seasoned our plates throughout the ages. Come hungry for knowledge and leave with a belly full of fascinating food facts.

Feast on Facts, Savor the Stories

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Meet Jan Pretorius

Hey there, I’m Jan Pretorius, the culinary enthusiast behind this quirky corner of the internet. For as long as I can remember, food has been my passion, my muse, and my constant companion. It all started 45 years ago when I took my very first bite, and I’ve been on a delicious journey ever since.